The sensational hop in oil costs over the ongoing years has put a lot of pressure on finding ways to reduce expenses in the manufacturing industry.
Steam is frequently the main supplier of heat to a process making it an asset therefore utilizing steam productively aids in decreasing the operational costs and in so doing creating savings.
For over a quarter of a century now, we have invested in researching on steam systems, putting together an able team that can deliver and associating oursleves with the manufacturer who has a proven energy efficient and emission reducing solution.
Valsteam ADCA Engineering, specialized in the design and manufacture of ground breaking products for industrial steam and fluid systems.
Their range of products has been increasing since 1983 and now offers a wide range of solutions for all steam fields such as:
Condensate and compressed air traps
Air eliminators
Pressure reducing valves
Humidity separators
Sight glasses
Heat exchangers
Steam injectors
Control valves
Thermostatic valves
Flash vessels
AdcaPure range for clean steam aplicattions
Energy recovery systems and much more.
We represent Valsteam ADCA Engineering, S.A. in Eastern Africa.